- Šilhán, K., 2023. Dendrogeomorphic possibilities for spatio-temporal reconstruction of the relationship between lateral river erosion and movements of destabilized river banks. Catena 227, 107139.
- Šilhán, K., Ružek, I., (2022): Recreationally created foothpaths as a means of preserving specific biotopes of bare sand accumulations: evidence provided by dendrogeomorphic reconstruction. Land Degradation and Development 33, 2440-2453.
- Tichavský, R., Kluzová, O., Břežný, M., Ondráčková, L., Krpec, P., Tolasz, R., Šilhán, K., (2018): Increased gully activity induced by short-term human interventions – dendrogeomorphic research based on exposed tree roots. Applied Geography 98, 66-77.
- Šilhán, K., (2018): Detailed reconstruction of gully headcut retreat using exposed tree roots: a case study from the Vsetínské vrchy Mts. (Outer Western Carpathians). Geografie 123, 179-199.
- Galia, T., Šilhán, K., Škarpich, V., (2017): The geomorphic impacts of road culverts on headwater channels and gully development. Catena 157, 424-435.
- Šilhán, K., Galia, T., Škarpich, V., (2016): Detailed spatio-temporal sediment supply reconstruction using tree ring data. Hydrological Processes 30, 4139-4153.
- Šilhán, K., Pánek, T., Hradecký, J., Tichavský, R., (2016): Polygenetic origin and surface development of the Laspi slope deformation (Crimean Mountains): the multidisciplinary approach. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie 60, 11-20.
- Šilhán, K., Ružek, I., Burian, L., (2016): Dynamics of gully slopes erosion: a case study using tree roots exposure data. Open Geosciences 8, 108-116.
- Šilhán, K., Galia, T., (2015): Sediment (un)balance budget in a high-gradient stream on flysch bedrock: A case study using dendrogeomorphic methods and bedload transport simulation. Catena 124, 18-27.
- Šilhán, K., (2012): Dendrogeomorphological analysis of the evolution of slope processes on flysch rocks (Vsetínské vrchy Mts; Czech Republic). Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 7, 39-49.
Other publications:
- ŠILHÁN, K., STACKE, V., (2011): The present-day geomorphic activity of alluvial fan (a case study from the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts. based on dendrogeomorphological methods). Moravian Geographical Reports, 19, 18-29. (PDF)