- Šilhán, K., Fabiánová, A., Klimeš, J., Tábořík, P., Hartvich, F., Blahůt, J., 2024. The effect of tree growth disturbances inertia on dendrogeomorphic spatio-temporal analysis of landslides: A case study. Catena 235, 107378.
- Šilhán, K., De la Peña Guillén, K.A., Carlón Allende, T., Tsou, C-Y., Zhang, Y., 2024. Tree-ring eccentricity-based dating of landslide movements: defining a universal approach. Catena 234, 107576.
- Kozák, M., Šilhán, K., 2023. Contrasting landslide activity on slopes with different structural geology: evidence from dendrogeomorphic analysis. Landslides 20, 1893-1903
- Šilhán, K., 2023. Is tree-ring anatomy the key? Searching for an optimal dendrogeomorphic approach to distinguish shallow creep and true slide movements. Catena 232, 107466
- Šilhán, K., Andrášik, R., Nezval, V., Bíl, M., 2023. Possibilities and limits of dendrogeomorphic data as a basis for defining thresholds for landslide triggering. Dendrochronologia 80, 126101
- Fabiánová, A., Šilhán, K., 2023. Three-dimensional distribution of mass movement signals in disturbed Picea abies (L.) Karst. Dendrochronologia 80, 126096
- Šilhán, K., Brázdil, R., Zahradníček, P., Pánek, T., 2023. The longest tree-ring based chronology of mass movements in Central Europe and their meteorological triggers. Catena 227, 107123
- Wiśniewská, K., Šilhán, K., 2023. Quantitative anatomy or macroscopic parameters of compression wood of Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.? Defining the optimal parameters for dendrogeomorphic purposes. IAWA Journal 44, 21-35.
- Šilhán, K., Ružek, I., 2023. The tree-ring anatomy of Robinia pseudoacacia L. as a data source for dendrogeomorphic reconstruction of past landslide movements in the landslide hot-spot of Central Europe. Catena 221, 106790.
- Šilhán, K., Balek, J., Hartvich, F., Klimeš, J., Blahůt, J., Hampel, F., 2023. Anatomical growth response of Fagus sylvatica L. to landslide movements. Science of the Total Environment 867, 161554.
- Šilhán, K.,Pánek, T., Škarpich, V., Břežný, M., Chalupa, V., (2022): Specifics of slope movements on slopes with contrasting structural conditions: evidence from tree-ring records. Geomorphology 415, 108425.
- Tichavský, R., Fabiánová, A., (2022): Contribution of dendrogeomorphology to the dating of secondary processes on dormant rockslides. Quaternary Geochronology 72, 101350.
- Šilhán, K., Pánek, T., Škarpich, V., (2022): Diversification of landslide area as a means for eliminating dating noise in dendrogeomorphic dating. Quaternary Geochronology 72, 101362.
- Šilhán, K., Feher, R., (2022): Geotope of boulder accumulations: possible source of noise in dendrogeomorphic dating of landslides. Catena 213, 106142
- Šilhán, K., (2022): Dendrogeomorphological analysis of landslides on the undercut river terrace bank (a case study in Czech Republic). Landslides 19, 621-635.
- Šilhán, K., Stoffel, M., (2022): Landslide-induced changes in tree-ring anatomy: a new dendrogeomorphic avenue? Catena 213, 106144.
- Šilhán, K., (2021): A new tree-ring-based index for the expression of spatial landslide activity and the assessment of landslide hazards. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk 12, 3409-3428.
- Chalupová, O., Chalupa, V., Šilhán, K., (2021): Vertical variability of tension wood formation in the stem of Fagus sylvatica L. affected by landslide. Trees - Structure and Function 35, 19863-1874.
- Šilhán, K., (2021): The dendrogeomorphic use of shrubs for the detection of landslide movements: A case study of Corylus avellana L.. Catena 207, 105652.
- Šilhán, K., Plavcová, L., (2021): The potential of tension wood for the detection of landslide signals in the tree ring series of Fagus sylvatica L.: The extension of dendrogeomorphic tools for landslide analysis. Geomorphology 390, 107864.
- Chalupa, V., Pánek, T., Šilhán, K., Břežný, M., Tichavský, R., Grygar, R., (2021): Low-topography deep-seated gravitational slope deformation: slope instability of flysch thrust fronts (Outer Western Carpathians). Geomorphology 389, 107833.
- Šilhán, K., (2021): Regional activity of flow-like landslides in the Outer Western Carpathians: dendrogeomorphic spatio-temporal reconstruction. Dendrochronologia 67, 125830.
- Šilhán, K., (2021): The age-dependent sensitivity of Picea abies (L.) Karst. to landslide movements. Science of the Total Environment 776, 145933.
- Šilhán, K., (2021): Dendrogeomorphology of different landslide types: a review. Forests 12, 261.
- Břežný, M., Pánek, T., Braucher, R., Šilhán, K., Chalupa, V., Lenart, J., Aster Team (2021): Old but still active: >18 ka history of rock slope failures affecting flysch anticline. Landslides 18, 89-104.
- Fabiánová, A., Chalupa, V., Šilhán, K., (2021): Dendrogeomorphic dating vs. low-magnitude landsliding. Quaternary Geochronology 62, 101150.
- Šilhán, K., (2021): Assessment of spoil heap landslide development using anatomical tree growth responses. Engineering Geology 281, 105988.
- Šilhán, K., (2021): Spatial dendrogeomorphic sampling based on the specific tree growth responses induced by the landslide mechanism. Quaternary Geochronology 61, 101132.
- Šilhán, K., (2020): Dendrogeomorphology of landslides: principles, results and perspectives. Landslides 17, 2421-2441.
- Šilhán, K., (2020): Tree-ring based estimation of landslide areal reactivation as a fundament of magnitude-frequency assessment. Forests 11(4), 400.
- Chalupová, O., Šilhán, K., Kapustová, V., Chalupa, V., (2020): Spatiotemporal distribution of growth releases and suppressions along a landslide body. Dendrochronologia 60, 125676.
- Šilhán, K., (2020): Tree ring evidence of slope movements preceding catastrophic landslides. Landslides 17, 615-626.
- Tichavský, R., Jiránková, E., Fabiánová, A. (2020): Dating of mining-induced subsidence based on a combination of dendrogeomorphic methods and in situ monitoring. Engineering Geology, 272, 105650
- Šilhán, K., Klimeš, J., Tichavský, R., (2019): The sensitivity of dendrogeomorphic approaches to assessing landslide movements. Geomorphology 347, 106869
- Tichavský, R., Ballestros Canovas, J.A., Šilhán, K., Tolasz, R., Stoffel, M., (2019). Dry spells and extreme precipitation are the main trigger of landslides in Central Europe. Scientific Reports 9, 14560
- Přecechtělová, H., Šilhán, K., (2019): Tree ring based estimation of the landslide movement velocity: evaluation of new experimental approach. Geomorphology 339, 104-113.
- Šilhán, K., Tichavský, R., Fabiánová, A., Chalupa, V., Chalupová, O., Škarpich, V., Tolasz, R., (2019): Understanding complex slope deformation through tree-ring analyses. Science of the Total Environment 665, 1083-1094.
- Tichavský, R., Kluzová, O., Šilhán, K., (2019): Differences between the responses of European larch (Larix decidua Mill.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) to landslide activity based on dendrogeomorphic and dendrometric data. Geomorphology 330, 57-68.
- Šilhán, K., (2019): Tree ring eccentricity in the dendrogeomorphic analysis of landslides - a comparative study. Catena 174, 1-10.
- Šilhán, K., Tichavský, R., Škarpich, V., Břežný, M., Stoffel, M., (2018): Regional, tree-ring based chronology of landslides in the Outer Western Carpathians. Geomorphology, 321, 33-44.
- Bednarik, M., Putiška, R., Dostál, I., Tornyai, R., Šilhán, K., Holzer, F., Weis, K., Ružek, I., (2018): Multidisciplinary research of landslide at UNESCO site of Lower Hodruša mining water reservoir. Landslides, 15, 1233-1251.
- Šilhán, K., (2017): Dendrogeomorphic chronologies of landslides: dating of true landslide movements? Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 42, 2109-2118.
- Šilhán, K., (2017): Evaluation of growth disturbances of Picea abies (L.) Karst. to disturbances caused by landslide movements. Geomorphology 276, 51-58.
- Šilhán, K., Prokešová, R., Medveďová, A., Tichavský, R., (2016): The effectiveness of dendrogeomorphic methods for reconstruction of past spatio-temporal landslide behaviour. Catena, 147, 325-333.
- Šilhán, K., (2016): How different are the results acquired from mathematical and subjective methods in dendrogeomorphology? Insights from landslide movements. Geomorphology, 253, 189-198.
- Šilhán, K., (2015): Can tree tilting indicate mechanisms of slope movement? Engineering Geology, 199, 157-164.
- Šilhán, K., Stoffel, M., (2015): Impacts of age-dependent tree sensitivity and dating approaches on dendrogeomorphic time series of landslides. Geomorphology, 236, 34-43.
- Šilhán, K., Pánek, T., Turský, O., Brázdil, R., Klimeš, J., Kašičková, L., (2014): Spatio-temporal patterns of recurrent slope instabilities affecting undercut slopes in flysch: a dendrogeomorphic approach using broad-leaved trees. Geomorphology, 213, 240-254.
- Šilhán, K., Pánek, T., Dušek, R., Havlů, D., Brázdil, R., Kašičková, L., Hradecký, J., (2013): The dating of bedrock landslide reactivations using dendrogeomorphic techniques: the Mazák landslide, Outer Western Carpathians (Czech Republic). Catena, 104, 1-13.
- Šilhán, K., (2012): Dendrogeomorphological analysis of the evolution of slope processes on flysch rocks (Vsetínské vrchy Mts; Czech Republic). Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 7, 39-49.
- Šilhán, K., Pánek, T., Hradecký, J., (2012): Tree-ring analysis in the reconstruction of slope in stabilities associated with earthquakes and precipitation (the Crimean Mountains, Ukraine). Geomorphology, 173-174, 174-184.
- Pánek, T., Šilhán, K., Tábořík, P., Hradecký, J., Smolková, V., Lenárt, J., Brázdil, R., Kašičková, L., Pazdur, A., (2011): Catastrophic slope failure and its precedings: case of the May 2010 Girová Mountain long-runout rockslide (Czech Republic). Geomorphology, 130, 352-364.
Other publications:
- ŠILHÁN, K., (2015): Nová data o reaktivacích vybraných svahových deformací na Vsetínsku. Zprávy o geologických výzkumech, 61-64. (PDF)
- ŠILHÁN, K., PROKEŠOVÁ, R., MEDVEĎOVÁ, A., ŠKODOVÁ, M., KARDOŠ, M., (2015): Před- a po-reaktivační pohyby sesuvu Ľubietová 1977. Zprávy o geologických výzkumech., 135-140. (PDF)
- ŠILHÁN, K., RŮŽEK, I., BURIAN, L., PUTIŠKA, R., (2015): Aktivita sesuvu u obce Kozárovce (okres Levice, Slovensko). Zprávy o geologických výzkumech., 141-144. (PDF)