prof. Karel Šilhán, Ph.D.
- Head of the Lab
- Professor on OSU and UHK
- Supervisor in doctoral study (Environmental geography; Applied biology and ecology)
- Lab PR
- h-index: 27 (WoS)
- dendrogeomorphology
- dynamical geomorphology
- slope processes
- landslides
- tree-ring anatomy
Studied regions:
Outer Western Carpathias, Czech cretaceous table, České středohoří Mts., Tatra Mts. (Slovakia), Slovenské rudohoří Mts. (Slovakia), Borská lowland (Slovakia), Kamenné hory (Poland), Crimean Mts. (Ukraine), Kavkaz (Russia), Căliman (Rumunsko), Taurus (Turkey), Crete (Greece), Patagonia (Argentina), Traunstein (Austria)
Hobbies: fishing, triathlon (ironman)
Peer-reviewed impacted publications:
- Šilhán, K., Balek, J., Klimeš, J., Blahůt, J., Hartvich, F., Raška, P., Riezner, J., Šťastný, M., in review. Maximally complete historical chronology of complex landslide movements? Improving the treering based results using extended multidisciplinary approach. Geomorphology
- Šilhán, K., in review. Heterogeneity of complex landslides from the perspective of dendrogeomorphology. Geomorphology
- Šilhán, K., Kozák, M., in review. Trans-regional chronology of landslide movements in one of the Central European landslide hot-spots. Landslides
- Šilhán, K., in review. Aspects of the combination of coniferous and deciduous tree species in dendrogeomorphic research on landslides? Dendrochronologia
- Šilhán, K., in revision. Exclusive application of tree-ring anatomy for reconstruction of past landslide behaviour. Landslides
- Šilhán, K., in revision. Regional chronology of landslide movements based on anatomical growth responses of trees: the České středohoří Highlands. Catena
- Šilhán, K., Brázdil, R., Zahradníček, P., Řehoř, J., Balek, J., Trnka, M., in revision. Combination of triggers for landslide reactivation on structural relief of gently dipping Cretaceous rocks: results from intra-annual tree-ring based dating. Catena
- Schlesinger, F., Šilhán, K., in revision. Tree-ring based analysis of shallow creep: possibilities and limits on a case study on flysch rocks. Catena
- Šilhán, K., Ružek, I., in revision. First dendrogeomorphological dating of DSGSD: specificity of the reconstruction. Landslides
- Šilhán, K., in press. Dendrogeomorphic analysis of creep: possibilities and specifics of spatio-temporal reconstruction. Landslides
- Šilhán, K., 2025. Are the historically known landslide events really the biggest? An insight using dendrogeomorphology. Landslides 22, 45-55.
- Kilnar, J., Pánek, T., Břežný, M., Winokur, D., Šilhán, K., Kapustová, V., 2024. Fringed Patagonian tableland: one of Earth's largest and oldest landslide terrains. Earth-Science Reviews 258, 104926.
- Šilhán, K., 2024. A critical source of noise in tree-ring based chronologies of landslide movements. Dendrochronologia 88, 126273.
- Lenart, J., Šilhán, K., 2024. Chronic rockfall in abandoned quarry: chronology, modelling and implications. Catena 243, 108168.
- Feher, R., Voiculescu, M., Šilhán, K., 2024. Spatio-temporal reconstruction of anthropogenically accelerated soil creep:Bâlea glacial valley, Romanian Carpathians. Catena 246, 108345.
- Ružek, I., Šilhán, K., 2024. Regional activity of landslide movements affecting the bank of meandering river: insights using tree-ring based methods. Catena 242, 108141.
- Fabiánová, A., Šilhán, K., 2024. Comparison of spatio-temporal extension of reaction wood and tree-ring eccentricity in juvenile Larix decidua (Mill.) and Picea abies (L.) Karst. trees. Dendrochronologia 85,126199.
- Šilhán, K., 2024. Defining an optimal approach for landslide signal extraction from tree-ring anatomical parameter series: extending the application capabilities of dendrogeomorphology. Catena 243, 108176.
- Klimeš, J., Hartvich, F., Šilhán, K., 2024. Long-term movement activity and internal structure of deep-seated landslide in flysch rocks, Carpathians, Czech Republic. Landslides 21, 2945-2957.
- Šilhán, K., 2024. Using anatomical tree growth responses to date landslide movements. Landslides 21, 2859-2871.
- Kozák, M., Šilhán, K., 2024. Comprehensive landslide analysis using tree-ring based approach. Landslides 21, 1425-1437.
- Šilhán, K., 2024. Activity of flow-like landslides on the escarpment cuesta (tree-ring based study on the eastern margin of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin). Landslides 21, 517-528.
- Šilhán, K., Ružek, I., 2024. Tree-ring-based model of landslide development based on tree-ring anatomy and quantification of the magnitude of landslide movements. Engineering Geology 329, 107405.
- Šilhán, K., De la Peña Guillén, K.A., Carlón Allende, T., Tsou, C-Y., Zhang, Y., 2024. Tree-ring eccentricity-based dating of landslide movements: defining a universal approach. Catena 234, 107576.
- Šilhán, K., Fabiánová, A., Klimeš, J., Tábořík, P., Hartvich, F., Blahůt, J., 2024. The effect of tree growth disturbances inertia on dendrogeomorphic spatio-temporal analysis of landslides: A case study. Catena 235, 107378.
- Šilhán, K., 2023. Regional flood occurrence in the culmination zone of medium-high mountain ranges by tree-ring based reconstruction: frequency, triggers, dynamics. Science of the Total Environment 905, 166938
- Šilhán, K., Andrášik, R., Nezval, V., Bíl, M., 2023. Possibilities and limits of dendrogeomorphic data as a basis for defining thresholds for landslide triggering. Dendrochronologia 80, 126101
- Fabiánová, A., Šilhán, K., 2023. Three-dimensional distribution of mass movement signals in disturbed Picea abies (L.) Karst. Dendrochronologia 80, 126096
- Šilhán, K., Brázdil, R., Zahradníček, P., Pánek, T., 2023. The longest tree-ring based chronology of mass movements in Central Europe and their meteorological triggers. Catena 227, 107123
- Šilhán, K., 2023. Is tree-ring anatomy the key? Searching for an optimal dendrogeomorphic approach to distinguish shallow creep and true slide movements. Catena 232, 107466
- Kozák, M., Šilhán, K., 2023. Contrasting landslide activity on slopes with different structural geology: evidence from dendrogeomorphic analysis. Landslides 20, 1893-1903
- Šilhán, K., 2023. Dendrogeomorphic possibilities for spatio-temporal reconstruction of the relationship between lateral river erosion and movements of destabilized river banks. Catena 227, 107139.
- Šilhán, K., Balek, J., Hartvich, F., Klimeš, J., Blahůt, J., Hampel, F., 2023. Anatomical growth response of Fagus sylvatica L. to landslide movements. Science of the Total Environment 867, 161554.
- Wiśniewská, K., Šilhán, K., 2023. Quantitative anatomy or macroscopic parameters of compression wood of Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.? Defining the optimal parameters for dendrogeomorphic purposes. IAWA Journal 44, 21-35.
- Přecechtělová, H., Šilhán, K., 2023. Dendrogeomorphic reconstruction of past landslide activity in the Jablůnka village (Czech part of the Outer Western Carpathians). Revista de geomorfologie 24, 16-26
- Šilhán, K., 2023. Historical activity of debris flows in the medium-high mountains: regional reconstruction using dendrogeomorphic approach. Science of the Total Environment 852, 159248.
- Šilhán, K., Ružek, I., 2023. The tree-ring anatomy of Robinia pseudoacacia L. as a data source for dendrogeomorphic reconstruction of past landslide movements in the landslide hot-spot of Central Europe. Catena 221, 106790.
- Šilhán, K., Pánek, T., Škarpich, V., Břežný, M., Chalupa, V., 2022. Specifics of slope movements on slopes with contrasting structural conditions: evidence from tree-ring records. Geomorphology 415, 108425.
- Šilhán, K., 2022. Snow avalanches and debris flows in the Mediterranean conditions of the southern coast of the Crimean Mountains: dendrogeomorphic reconstruction. Catena 218, 106554.
- Plavcová, L., Mészáros, M., Šilhán, K., Jupa, R., 2022 Trade-off between trunk radial growth and fruit yield in scions on size-controlling rootstocks. Annals of Botany 130, 477-489.
- Šilhán, K., Ružek, I., 2022. Recreationally created foothpaths as a means of preserving specific biotopes of bare sand accumulations: evidence provided by dendrogeomorphic reconstruction. Land Degradation and Development 33, 2440-2453.
- Šilhán, K., Plavcová, L., 2022. Anatomy of Pinus mugo var. mugo as a fundament for tree-ring-based dating of debris flows in the alpine zone. Catena 217, 106504.
- Šilhán, K., Pánek, T., Škarpich, V., 2022. Diversification of landslide area as a means for eliminating dating noise in dendrogeomorphic dating. Quaternary Geochronology 72, 101362.
- Šilhán, K., Stoffel, M., 2022. Landslide-induced changes in tree-ring anatomy: a new dendrogeomorphic avenue? Catena 213, 106144.
- Šilhán, K., Feher, R., 2022. Geotope of boulder accumulations: possible source of noise in dendrogeomorphic dating of landslides. Catena 213, 106142
- Šilhán, K., 2022. Dendrogeomorphological analysis of landslides on the undercut river terrace bank (a case study in Czech Republic). Landslides 19, 621-635.
- Šilhán, K., Galia, T., (2021): What does dendrogeomorphology tell us about past river discharges? Journal of Hydrology 603, 127194.
- Šilhán, K., (2021): A new tree-ring-based index for the expression of spatial landslide activity and the assessment of landslide hazards. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk 12, 3409-3428.
- Šagát, V., Ružek, I., Šilhán, K., Beracko, P., (2021): Dendroclimatological analysis of norway spruce stands in Slovakia: a case study in the mountain natural forest and the low-situated planted forest. Forests 12, 1118.
- Šilhán, K., (2021): The dendrogeomorphic use of shrubs for the detection of landslide movements: A case study of Corylus avellana L.. Catena 207, 105652.
- Chalupová, O., Chalupa, V., Šilhán, K., (accepted; in press): Vertical variability of tension wood formation in the stem of Fagus sylvatica L. affected by landslide. Trees - structure and function
- Šilhán, K., Plavcová, L., (2021): The potential of tension wood for the detection of landslide signals in the tree ring series of Fagus sylvatica L.: The extension of dendrogeomorphic tools for landslide analysis. Geomorphology 390, 107864.
- Tichavský, R., Pop, O.T., Mihaljevič, M., Šilhán, K., Vondrovicová, L., (2021): Tree ring archives of debris flow contamination in a post-mined area: combined dendroecological research. Catena 207, 105595.
- Fabiánová, A., Šilhán, K., (2021): The growth responses of Picea abies (L.) Karst. to increment borer wounding. Tree-Ring Research 77, 74-85.
- Bogusch, P., Henneberg, P., Šilhán, K., (2021): The case study of Bembix rostrata (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae): what are the main factors limiting the distribution of a large insect at early-succession sites? Journal of Insect Conservation 25, 571-583.
- Chalupa, V., Pánek, T., Šilhán, K., Břežný, M., Tichavský, R., Grygar, R., (2021): Low-topography deep-seated gravitational slope deformation: slope instability of flysch thrust fronts (Outer Western Carpathians). Geomorphology 389, 107833.
- Šilhán, K., (2021): Regional activity of flow-like landslides in the Outer Western Carpathians: dendrogeomorphic spatio-temporal reconstruction. Dendrochronologia 67, 125830.
- Šilhán, K., (2021): The age-dependent sensitivity of Picea abies (L.) H. Karst. to landslide movements. Science of the Total Environment 776, 145933.
- Šilhán, K., (2021): Dendrogeomorphology of different landslide types: a review. Forests 12, 261.
- Břežný, M., Pánek, T., Braucher, R., Šilhán, K., Chalupa, V., Lenart, J., Aster Team (2021): Old but still active: >18 ka history of rock slope failures affecting flysch anticline. Landslides 18, 89-104.
- Ruman, S., Tichavský, R., Šilhán, K., (2021): Palaeoflood discharge estimation using dendrogeomorphic methods, rainfall-runoff and hydraulic modelling - a case study from southern Crete. Natural Hazards 105, 1721-1742.
- Fabiánová, A., Chalupa, V., Šilhán, K., (2021): Dendrogeomorphic dating vs. low-magnitude landsliding. Quaternary Geochronology 62, 101150.
- Šilhán, K., (2021): Assessment of spoil heap landslide development using anatomical tree growth responses. Engineering Geology 281, 105988.
- Šilhán, K., (2021): Spatial dendrogeomorphic sampling based on the specific tree growth responses induced by the landslide mechanism. Quaternary Geochronology 61, 101132.
- Šilhán, K., Ružek, I., Frištyk, M., Wiśniewská, K., (2021): Growth responses of Pinus sylvestris (L.) to burial by drift sand and its application to the reconstruction of aeolian dune development. Catena 196, 104830
- Pánek, T., Schönfeldt, E., Winocur, D., Břežný, M., Šilhán, K., Chalupa, V., Korup, O., (2020): Moraines and Marls: Giant landslides of the Lago Pueyrredón valley in Patagonia, Argentina. Quaternary Science Reviews 248, 106598.
- Šilhán, K., (2020): Dendrogeomorphology of landslides: principles, results and perspectives. Landslides 17, 2421-2441.
- Schönfeldt, E., Pánek, T., Winocur, D.A., Šilhán, K., Korup, O., (2020): Postglacial Patagonian mass movement: From rotational slides and spreads to earthflows. Geomorphology 367, 107316.
- Bogusch, P., Hlaváčková, L., Šilhán, K., Horsák, M., (2020): Long-term changes of steppe-associated wild bees differ between shell-nesting and ground-nesting species. Journal of Insect Conservation 24, 513-523.
- Šilhán, K., (2020): Tree-ring based estimation of landslide areal reactivation as a fundament of magnitude-frequency assessment. Forests 11(4), 400.
- Tichavský, R., Koutroulis, A., Chalupová, O., Chalupa, V., Šilhán, K., (2020): Flash flood reconstruction in the Eastern Mediterranean: regional tree ring-based chronology and assessment of climate triggers on the island of Crete. Journal of Arid Environments 177, 104135.
- Chalupová, O., Šilhán, K., Kapustová, V., Chalupa, V., (2020): Spatiotemporal distribution of growth releases and suppressions along a landslide body. Dendrochronologia 60, 125676.
- Šilhán, K., (2020): Tree ring evidence of slope movements preceding catastrophic landslides. Landslides 17, 615-626.
- Šilhán, K., Klimeš, J., Tichavský, R., (2019): The sensitivity of dendrogeomorphic approaches to assessing landslide movements. Geomorphology 347, 106869
- Tichavský, R., Ballestros Canovas, J.A., Šilhán, K., Tolasz, R., Stoffel, M., (2019). Dry spells and extreme precipitation are the main trigger of landslides in Central Europe. Scientific Reports 9, 14560
- Přecechtělová, H., Šilhán, K., (2019): Tree ring based estimation of the landslide movement velocity: evaluation of new experimental approach. Geomorphology 339, 104-113.
- Šilhán, K., Tichavský, R., Fabiánová, A., Chalupa, V., Chalupová, O., Škarpich, V., Tolasz, R., (2019): Understanding complex slope deformation through tree-ring analyses. Science of the Total Environment 665, 1083-1094.
- Tichavský, R., Kluzová, O., Šilhán, K., (2019): Differences between the responses of European larch (Larix decidua Mill.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) to landslide activity based on dendrogeomorphic and dendrometric data. Geomorphology 330, 57-68.
- Šilhán, K., Kluzová, O., Tichavský, R., (2019): The on field differentiation of snow avalanche- and debris flow-induced scars in trees as a fundament for improving dendrogeomorphic sampling strategy (case study from the Great Cold valley in High Tatra Mountains). Cold Regions Science and Technology 158, 1-9.
- Šilhán, K., (2019): Tree ring eccentricity in the dendrogeomorphic analysis of landslides - a comparative study. Catena 174, 1-10.
- Šilhán, K., Tichavský, R., Škarpich, V., Břežný, M., Stoffel, M., (2018): Regional, tree-ring based chronology of landslides in the Outer Western Carpathians. Geomorphology, 321, 33-44.
- Bogusch, P., Van Achterberg, C., Šilhán, K., Astapenková, A., Heneberg, P., (2018): Description of mature larvae and ecological notes on Gasteruption Latreille (Hymenoptera: Evanioidea: Gasteruptiidae) parasitizing hymenopterans nesting in reed galls. Journal of Hymenoptera Research, 65, 1-21.
- Tichavský, R., Kluzová, O., Břežný, M., Ondráčková, L., Krpec, P., Tolasz, R., Šilhán, K., (2018): Increased gully activity induced by short-term human interventions – dendrogeomorphic research based on exposed tree roots. Applied Geography, 98, 66-77.
- Šilhán, K., (2018): Detailed reconstruction of gully headcut retreat using exposed tree roots: a case study from the Vsetínské vrchy Mts. (Outer Western Carpathians). Geografie, 123, 179-199.
- Šilhán, K., Galia, T., Škarpich, V., (2018): Origin and development of a large wood jam in medium-high mountains: An example of the Mazák Stream, Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts., Czech Republic. Geografie, 123, 159-177.
- Galia, T., Ruiz-Villanueva, V., Tichavský, R., Šilhán, K., Horáček, M., Stoffel, M., (2018): Characteristics and geomorphic significance of large and small instream wood in a mixed-forest headwater basin. Forest Ecology and Management, 424, 468-482.
- Bednarik, M., Putiška, R., Dostál, I., Tornyai, R., Šilhán, K., Holzer, F., Weis, K., Ružek, I., (2018): Multidisciplinary research of landslide at UNESCO site of Lower Hodruša mining water reservoir. Landslides, 15, 1233-1251.
- Šilhán, K., Tichavský, R., Galia, T., Škarpich, V., (2018): Hydrogeomorphic activity in ungauged Mediterranean gorges: specifics of tree ring data-based study. Catena, 167, 90-99.
- Galia, T., Tichavský, R., Škarpich, V., Šilhán, K., (2018): Distribution of large wood in a headwater channel after an extraordinary hydrogeomorphic event: the roles of transport agents and check-dams. Catena, 165, 537-550.
- Galia, T., Škarpich, V., Tichavský, R., Vardakas, L., Šilhán, K., (2018): Structural patterns and dynamics of large instream wood in a Mediterranean ephemeral stream. Geomorphology, 310, 15-28.
- Pánek, T., Lenart, J., Hradecký, J., Hercman, H., Braucher, R., Šilhán, K., Škarpich, V., (2018): Coastal cliffs, rock-slope failures and Late Quaternary transgressions of the Black Sea along the southern Crimea. Quaternary Science Reviews, 181, 76-92.
- Šilhán, K., (2017): Dendrogeomorphic chronologies of landslides: dating of true landslide movements? Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 42, 2109-2118.
- Tichavský, R., Šilhán, K., Stoffel, M., (2017): Age-dependent sensitivity of trees disturbed by debris flows – implications for dendrogeomorphic reconstructions. Quaternary Geochronology, 42, 63-75.
- Lenart, J., Tichavský, R., Večeřa, J., Kapustová, V., Šilhán, K., (2017): Geomorphic evolution and genesis of the Velké pinky stopes in Zlatohorská vrchovina highland, Eastern Sudete. Geomorphology, 296, 91-103.
- Galia, T., Šilhán, K., Škarpich, V., (2017): The geomorphic impacts of road culverts on headwater channels and gully development. Catena, 157, 424-435.
- Galia, T., Šilhán, K., Ruiz-Villanueva, V., Tichavský, R., Stoffel, M., (2017): Temporal dynamics of instream wood in headwater streams draining mixed Carpathian forests. Geomorphology, 292, 35-46.
- Tichavský, R., Šilhán, K., Tolasz, R., (2017): Tree ring-based chronology of hydro-geomorphic processes as a fundament for identification of hydro-meteorological triggers in the Hrubý Jeseník Mountains (Central Europe). Science of the Total Environment, 597, 1904-1917.
- Šilhán, K., Tichavský, R., (2017): Snow avalanche and debris flow activity in the High Tatras Mountains: New data using dendrogeomorphic survey. Cold Regions Science and Technology 134, 45-53.
- Šilhán, K., (2017): Evaluation of growth disturbances of Picea abies (L.) Karst. to disturbances caused by landslide movements. Geomorphology 276, 51-58.
- Tichavský, R., Šilhán, K., (2016): Spatio-temporal specifics of hydro-geomorphic processes in headwater parts of mid-mountains reconstructed based on tree-ring data – a case study from the Hrubý Jeseník Mountains (Czech Republic). Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography, 98, 369-388.
- Šilhán, K., Galia, T., Škarpich, V., (2016): Detailed spatio-temporal sediment supply reconstruction using tree ring data. Hydrological Processes, 30, 4139-4153.
- Šilhán, K., Prokešová, R., Medveďová, A., Tichavský, R., (2016): The effectiveness of dendrogeomorphic methods for reconstruction of past spatio-temporal landslide behaviour. Catena, 147, 325-333.
- Šilhán, K., Tichavský, R., (2016): Recent increase in debris flow activity in the Tatras Mountains: results of a regional dendrogeomorphic reconstruction. Catena, 143, 221-231.
- Tichavský, R., Šilhán, K., (2016): The changing ability of Norway spruce (P. abies) to record hydrogeomorphic processes based on the age and diameter of the tree stem - a dendrogeomorphic approach. Catena, 147, 469-480.
- Šilhán, K., Pánek, T., Hradecký, J., Tichavský, R., (2016): Polygenetic origin and surface development of the Laspi slope deformation (Crimean Mountains): the multidisciplinary approach. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, 60, 11-20.
- Šilhán, K., Ružek, I., Burian, L., (2016): Dynamics of gully slopes erosion: a case study using tree roots exposure data. Open Geosciences, 8, 108-116.
- Šilhán, K., (2016): How different are the results acquired from mathematical and subjective methods in dendrogeomorphology? Insights from landslide movements. Geomorphology, 253, 189-198.
- Šilhán, K., (2015): Can tree tilting indicate mechanisms of slope movement? Engineering Geology, 199, 157-164.
- Tichavský, R., Šilhán, K., (2015): Dendrogeomorphic approaches for understanding the initiation and behaviour of debris flows and relative torrential processes in the case of mid-mountain range (the Hrubý Jeseník Mts.; Czech Republic). Geomorphology, 246, 445-457.
- Šilhán, K., Pánek, T., Hradecký, J., Stoffel, M., (2015): Tree-age control on reconstructed debris-flow frequencies: examples from a regional dendrogeomorphic reconstruction in the Crimean Mountains. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 40, 243-251.
- Šilhán, K., Pánek, T., Hradecký, J., (2015): Řídící faktory vzniku blokovobahenních proudů na jižních svazích Krymského pohoří. Geografie, 120, 50-63.
- Šilhán, K., Galia, T., (2015): Sediment (un)balance budget in a high-gradient stream on flysch bedrock: A case study using dendrogeomorphic methods and bedload transport simulation. Catena, 124, 18-27.
- Šilhán, K., (2015): Frequency, predisposition and triggers of floods in Flysch Carpathians: regional study using dendrogeomorphic methods. Geomorphology,234, 243-253.
- Šilhán, K., Stoffel, M., (2015): Impacts of age-dependent tree sensitivity and dating approaches on dendrogeomorphic time series of landslides. Geomorphology, 236, 34-43.
- Tichavský, R., Šilhán, K., Tolasz, R., (2014): Origin, triggers and spatio-temporal variability of debris flows in high-gradient channels (a case study from the culmination part of the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts.; Czech Republic). Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 9(3), 5-16.
- Šilhán, K., Pánek, T., Turský, O., Brázdil, R., Klimeš, J., Kašičková, L., (2014): Spatio-temporal patterns of recurrent slope instabilities affecting undercut slopes in flysch: a dendrogeomorphic approach using broad-leaved trees. Geomorphology, 213, 240-254.
- Šilhán, K., Pánek, T., (2014): Registrace pohybu skalních bloků dendrogeomorfologickými metodami: nový metodický přístup. Geografie,119, 50-66.
- Šilhán, K., (2014): Chronology of processes in high-gradient channels of medium-high mountains and their influence on alluvial fans properties. Geomorphology, 206, 288-298.
- Pánek, T.,Smolková, V., Hradecký, J., Baroň, I., Šilhán, K., (2013): Holocene reactivations of catastrophic complex flow-like landslides in the Flysch Carpathians (Czech Republic/Slovakia). Quaternary Research, 80, 33-46.
- Šilhán, K., Pánek, T., Hradecký, J., (2013): Implications of spatial distribution of rockfall reconstructed by dendrogeomorphological methods. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences,13, 1817-1826.
- Šilhán, K., Pánek, T., Dušek, R., Havlů, D., Brázdil, R., Kašičková, L., Hradecký, J., (2013): The dating of bedrock landslide reactivations using dendrogeomorphic techniques: the Mazák landslide, Outer Western Carpathians (Czech Republic). Catena, 104, 1-13.
- Pánek, T., Šilhán, K., Hradecký, J., Strom, A., Smolková, V., Zerkal, O., (2012): A megalandslide in the Norsthern Caucasus foredeep (Uspenskoye, Russia): geomorphology, possible mechanism and age constraints. Geomorphology, 177-178, 171-181.
- Šilhán, K., (2012): Dendrogeomorphological analysis of the evolution of slope processes on flysch rocks (Vsetínské vrchy Mts; Czech Republic). Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 7, 39-49.
- Šilhán, K., (2012): Frequency of fast geomorphological processes in high-gradient streams: case study from the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts (Czech Republic) using dendrogeomorphic methods. Geochronometria, 39, 122-132.
- Šilhán, K., Pánek, T., Hradecký, J., (2012): Tree-ring analysis in the reconstruction of slope in stabilities associated with earthquakes and precipitation (the Crimean Mountains, Ukraine). Geomorphology, 173-174, 174-184.
- Brázdil, R., Šilhán, K., Pánek, T., Dobrovolný, P., Kašičková, L., Tolasz, R., (2012): The influence of meteorological factors on rockfall in the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts. Geografie, 117, 1-20.
- Šilhán, K., Brázdil, R., Pánek, T., Dobrovolný, P., Kašičková, L., Tolasz, R., Turský, O., Václavek, M., (2011): Evaluation of meteorological controls of reconstructed rockfall activity in the Czech Flysch Carpathians. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 36, 1989-1909.
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