Debris flows
- Šilhán, K., 2023. Historical activity of debris flows in the medium-high mountains: regional reconstruction using dendrogeomorphic approach. Science of the Total Environment 852, 159248.
- Tichavský, R., Fabiánová, A., Koutroulis, A., Spálovský, V., Vala, O., 2023. Recent debris-flow activity on the 1913 Tsivlos landslide body (Northern Peloponnese; Greece). Catena 231, 107318
- Šilhán, K., (2022): Snow avalanches and debris flows in the Mediterranean conditions of the southern coast of the Crimean Mountains: dendrogeomorphic reconstruction. Catena 218, 106554.
- Šilhán, K., Plavcová, L., (2022): Anatomy of Pinus mugo var. mugo as a fundament for tree-ring-based dating of debris flows in the alpine zone. Catena 217, 106504.
- Tichavský, R., Fabiánová, A., Koutroulis, A., Spálovský, V., (2022): Occasional but severe: Past debris flows and snow avalanches in the Helmos Mts. (Greece) reconstructed from tree-ring records. Science of the Total Environment 848, 157759.
- Tichavský, R., Pop, O.T., Mihaljevič, M., Šilhán, K., Vondrovicová, L., (2021): Tree ring archives of debris flow contamination in a post-mined area: combined dendroecological research. Catena 207, 105595.
- Šilhán, K., Kluzová, O., Tichavský, R., (2019): The on field differentiation of snow avalanche- and debris flow-induced scars in trees as a fundament for improving dendrogeomorphic sampling strategy (case study from the Great Cold valley in High Tatra Mountains). Cold Regions Science and Technology 158, 1-9.
- Šilhán, K., Tichavský, R., Galia, T., Škarpich, V., (2018): Hydrogeomorphic activity in ungauged Mediterranean gorges: specifics of tree ring data-based study. Catena, 167, 90-99.
- Tichavský, R., Šilhán, K., Stoffel, M., (2017): Age-dependent sensitivity of trees disturbed by debris flows – implications for dendrogeomorphic reconstructions. Quaternary Geochronology, 42, 63-75.
- Tichavský, R., Šilhán, K., Tolasz, R., (2017): Tree ring-based chronology of hydro-geomorphic processes as a fundament for identification of hydro-meteorological triggers in the Hrubý Jeseník Mountains (Central Europe). Science of the Total Environment, 597, 1904-1917.
- Šilhán, K., Tichavský, R., (2017): Snow avalanche and debris flow activity in the High Tatras Mountains: New data using dendrogeomorphic survey. Cold Regions Science and Technology 134, 45-53.
- Tichavský, R., Šilhán, K., (2016): Spatio-temporal specifics of hydro-geomorphic processes in headwater parts of mid-mountains reconstructed based on tree-ring data – a case study from the Hrubý Jeseník Mountains (Czech Republic). Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography, 98, 369-388.
- Šilhán, K., Tichavský, R., (2016): Recent increase in debris flow activity in the Tatras Mountains: results of a regional dendrogeomorphic reconstruction. Catena, 143, 221-231.
- Tichavský, R., Šilhán, K., (2016): The changing ability of Norway spruce (P. abies) to record hydrogeomorphic processes based on the age and diameter of the tree stem - a dendrogeomorphic approach. Catena, 147, 469-480.
- Tichavský, R., Šilhán, K., (2015): Dendrogeomorphic approaches for understanding the initiation and behaviour of debris flows and relative torrential processes in the case of mid-mountain range (the Hrubý Jeseník Mts.; Czech Republic). Geomorphology, 246, 445-457.
- Šilhán, K., Pánek, T., Hradecký, J., Stoffel, M., (2015): Tree-age control on reconstructed debris-flow frequencies: examples from a regional dendrogeomorphic reconstruction in the Crimean Mountains. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 40, 243-251.
- Šilhán, K., Pánek, T., Hradecký, J., (2015): Řídící faktory vzniku blokovobahenních proudů na jižních svazích Krymského pohoří. Geografie, 120, 50-63.
- Tichavský, R., Šilhán, K., Tolasz, R., (2014): Origin, triggers and spatio-temporal variability of debris flows in high-gradient channels (a case study from the culmination part of the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts.; Czech Republic). Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 9(3), 5-16.
- Šilhán, K., (2014): Chronology of processes in high-gradient channels of medium-high mountains and their influence on alluvial fans properties. Geomorphology, 206, 288-298.
- Šilhán, K., (2012): Frequency of fast geomorphological processes in high-gradient streams: case study from the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts (Czech Republic) using dendrogeomorphic methods. Geochronometria, 39, 122-132.
- Šilhán, K., Pánek, T., Hradecký, J., (2012): Tree-ring analysis in the reconstruction of slope in stabilities associated with earthquakes and precipitation (the Crimean Mountains, Ukraine). Geomorphology, 173-174, 174-184.
- Šilhán, K., Pánek, T., (2010): Fossil and recent debris flows in medium-high mountains (Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts, Czech Republic). Geomorphology, 124, 238–249.
- Pánek, T., Hradecký, J., Šilhán, K., (2009): Geomorphic evidence of ancient catastrophic flow-like landslides in the midmountain ridges of the Western Flysch Carpathians (Czech Republic). International Journal of Sediment Research, 24, 88–98
Other publications:
- TICHAVSKÝ, R., ŠILHÁN, K., (2014): Stav výzkumu blokovobahenních proudů na západních svazích Keprnické hornatiny (Hrubý Jeseník). Geologické výzkumy na Moravě a ve Slezsku v roce 2013, 26-30.
- ŠILHÁN, K., (2011): Prostorově časová rekonstrukce výskytu blokovobahenních proudů (příkladová studie s využitím metod dendrogeomorfologie). Geografický časopis, 63, 357-367. (PDF)
- ŠILHÁN, K., (2010): Dendrochronologické datování blokovobahenních proudů (příkladová studie Slavíč; Moravskoslezské Beskydy). Geologické výzkumy na Moravě a ve Slezsku 2009, 92-95. (PDF)
- ŠILHÁN, K., (2008): Dendrochronologie kuželu blokovobahenních proudů na západním svahu masivu Travný (Moravskoslezské Beskydy). Časopis slezského Muzea Opava (A), 57, 270–275. (PDF)
- ŠILHÁN, K., PÁNEK, T., (2008): Historická chronologie blokovobahenních proudů v Moravskoslezských Beskydech. Geomorphologia Slovaca et Bohemica, 8, 82–94. (PDF)
- ŠILHÁN, K., PÁNEK, T., (2008): Výzkum a výskyt blokovobahenních proudů v Moravskoslezských Beskydech. Geologické výzkumy na Moravě a ve Slezsku v roce 2007, 15, 74–76. (PDF)