Laboratory of Dendrogeomorphology CZ
Dendrogeomorphology is a modern scientific discipline, the use of which is nowadays practically commonplace in the research of various types of slope processes. In essence, it uses the specific growth responses of trees to geomorphological processes to date them. It is particularly used in the temporal and spatial analysis of debris flow activity, landslides, floods, as well as rockfalls.
In the field of Czech geomorphology, dendrogeomorphological approaches have been neglected for a long time, but in recent years they are slowly beginning to have their own irreplaceable place. The founding of the Dendrogemorphology Laboratory has certainly contributed to this. The laboratory was found in 2007, but intensive dendrogeomorphological research has been carried out only since 2008. The first results were devoted to debris flows and rockfall in the Moravian-Silesian Beskydy. Gradually, however, the spectrum of the investigated processes was extended to include floods, erosion, snow avalanches and landslides.
Research results are published primarily in globally prestigious impact publications.
The laboratory also participates in assigning and supervisioning theses (BSc, MSc, PhD), cooperates with other domestic and foreign academic institutions and hosts foreign students.
The activities of the laboratory are supported by internal (SGS) and external (mainly GAČR) projects.